Disaster Risk Reduction Pathways Project
Incentives for Mitigation & Adaptation Investments
About the Project
The Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Pathways Project (2019-2021) focused on enhancing understanding of systemic risk, evidence-based disaster risk management including evaluation of socio-economic incentives for investing in DRR, and governance of risk information and risk management practice in BC and in Canada. The project is led by the Geological Survey of Canada-Natural Resources Canada and funded by the Canadian Safety & Security Program (CSSP) which is co-chaired by Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) and Public Safety Canada. Project components were executed by NRCan and a wide range of partners for which Sage On Earth Consulting Ltd. acted as the lead contractor.
The three project objectives provide clear direction for the design and implementation of project tasks and clearly state how the project contributes to building resilience in BC:
1. Increase capabilities to model systemic risk and disaster recovery: Integrate quantitative risk assessment and critical infrastructure interdependency models to analyze the root causes of vulnerability (stressors), the probable physical impacts and cascading consequences of high-impact disaster events (shocks), and levels of risk reduction that can be achieved through proactive investments in mitigation and/or adaptation.
2. Enable an evidence-based approach to disaster resilience planning: Utilize analytic and deliberative methods of integrated assessment to support the evaluation of disaster risk reduction strategies based on user-driven planning scenarios and context-specific target indicators that measure both expected financial return (RoI) and the broader societal co-benefits of investing in mitigation and adaptation measures.
3. Strengthen risk governance through knowledge exchange and community engagement: Develop risk communication strategies and mechanisms of community engagement that promote more effective modes of interaction between researchers, practitioners and decision
Project Components and Deliverables

By Geological Suvery of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Sage On Earth Consulting Ltd.
At early stages of the project, based on the original project design and further inputs from the science and policy partners the project scope was defined. The scoping report also includes explanation of the vision and fundamental concepts used in design of the project including alignment with the Sendai Framework for DRR.
The brief presentation is from the final steering committee meeting and it provides an overview of the project vision, objectives and components.
DRR Pathways Vision and Scope
By Geological Suvery of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Sage On Earth Consulting Ltd.

Canada Earthquake Risk Model
By Geological Suvery of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Using the OpenQuake platform to model catastrophic earthquake risk for baseline and proposed seismic mitigation planning scenarios at local and regional scales. Scope of the work include probabilistic and scenario-based risk models for both aggregate-building portfolios and for selected CI facilities of concern.
Technical papers will be published in the coming months.
This work was co-financed by Canada Safety and Security Program and Emergency Management Strategy program.

Buildings and critical infrastructure exposure dataset
By Spatial Vision Group (SVG) and Geological Suvery of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Upgrading and expanding the existing assets exposure dataset for buildings and some classes of critical infrastructure. The final output includes buildings, infrastcuture and businesses in Fraser Valley Regional District, Greater Vancouver Regional District, and District Municipality of Squamish
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Buildings Vulnerability and Fragility
By University of British Columbia- Civil Engineering
Developing baseline and retrofitted building fragility/vulnerability functions for representative building archetypes in BC. This can significantly enhance the quality of earthquake risk modeling

Risk Dynamics Modelling
By University of British Columbia - School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP)
UBC-SCARP team partnered with Metro Vancouver and Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to better understand how seismic risk may change in Metro Vancouver over the coming decades, focusing on the effect of anticipated changes in population and the built environment.

Neighborhood Social Vulnerability Profiles
By Geological Survey of Canada/Natural Resources Canada
Defining neighbourhood archetypes for recoverability based on a series of socio-economic indicators. Technical papers will be published in the coming months.
This work was co-financed by Canada Safety and Security Program and Emergency Management Strategy program.
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Socio-economic Vulnerability Indicators
By University of British Columbia - School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP)
Assessment of neighborhood-level socio-economic vulnerability indicators for the City of Vancouver to support planning and policy scenarios

Indicators of Neighbourhood Resilience, Recoverability, and Recovery
By University of British Columbia - School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP)
Assessment of community resilience and recoverability indicators at the neighbourhood scale, and metrics that can be used to assess peri- and post-disaster socio-economic recovery.

Exploring Methods to Use Risk Information in Retrofitting Policy Options Evaluation
By NRCan, City of Vancouver, University of British Columbia (SCARP), Sage On Earth Consulting, Compass Resource Management
Exploring methods to use results of buildings risk modeling and socio-economic vulnerability in neighborhoods for objective-based evaluation of retrofitting policies for the City of Vancouver.

Modeling the Restoration Sequence of the Critical Lifeline Systems
By University of Victoria (UVIC)
Supporting community recovery planning through modeling the restoration sequence of the critical lifeline systems.
NRCan team provided the earthquake damage to buildings using OpenQuake Platform and damage to linear infrastructure using Hazus Software. Read the brief report on how Hazus was used in this work.
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A Functional Approach to Critical Infrastructure and Community Resilience Assessment
By Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC)
The National Critical Infrastructure Interdependency Model (NCIM) was used with damage and disruption scenarios from NRCan and UVIC research to assess risk due to critical infrastructure interdependencies from the cascading system failures in Lower Mainland.
Brief report will be available as part of the Resilience Pathways Report. All NCIM sector reports can be found on DRDC website.

Federal Risk Data Platform & Risk Profiler
By Natural Resources Canada
High level requirements report developed by Minerva Intelligence Inc.
Developing a data management platform for sharing hazard and risk data openly and a dashboard that would allow users to do simple inquiries to visualize the information.
Also, NRCan is working with Habitat Seven to design and develop a risk profiler to make Canada earthquake risk information accessible and usable for emergency managers and urban planners.
This work is co-financed by DRR Pathways (CSSP) and EMS projects.
The high level requirements report was developed by Minerva Intelligence Inc., as a component of DRR Pathways project in 2019.

By Sage On Earth Consulting Ltd. and NRCan
Through a theory of change workshop and series of consultations, the concept of BC DRR Hub has been designed as entity that would facilitate connections and collaboration between science and policy actors for the common goal of disaster and climate risk reduction in BC. Many of the activities conducted under DRR Pathways project are proof of concept for the role of DRR Hub.
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Assessing the Financial Impact of an Earthquake in Greater Vancouver
Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR)
This study examines the financial impact of the shaking damage from an earthquake on buildings located in the Greater Vancouver region. Specifically, this study considers how such damage would be distributed across the insurance industry, building owners, and other stakeholders, and whether they have the financial capacity to handle these losses.

Exploring use of digital stakeholder engagement and decision making tools for Understanding Risk and DRR
By NRCan, Sage On Earth Consulting, Ethelo
Using the data and approach developed for the City of Vancouver seismic policy evaluation project, two experimental tools were developed with Ethelo's stakeholders engagement and decision making platform:
Tool 1: Engaging with participants to prioritize construction types for achieving the risk reduction objectives.
Tool 2: Allowing with participants to experience the choices, trade-offs and considerations for designing an earthquake risk reduction retrofitting policy.

Understanding Risk BC 2020
By Thrive Consulting, Susanna Haas Lyons, Natural Resources Canada, and Sage On Earth Consulting
Understanding Risk (UR) BC 2020 was an online, collaborative symposium and event series that fostered place-based risk reduction strategies to proactively reduce risk, enhance resilience and improve disaster recovery pathways in BC. DRR Pathways Project team played a significant role as members of organizing team and technical contributors.